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The Antibody Production Rate of AtomGun
"ATOM GUN Ver 1.0" is designed to automatically administer approximately 0.55cc of medication per operation. The targeted penetration layer of the medication is optimized for "intradermal" use, and multiple clinical trials targeting pigs for administering the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccine have been completed, confirming the rate of antibody production.
In the future, accessories will be supplied to allow for various doses of medication based on consumer requests.
(1차채혈) 산수유농장 10두 채혈(6.5일)_1
(2차채혈) 산수유농장 10두 채혈(7.17일, 출하)_1
(1차채혈) 산수유농장 10두 채혈(6.5일)_1
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Device authentication related
T2019-15054_ 성적서_2
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